Sunday 21 September 2008


I don’t think anyone will disagree with me if I say friends are part of our life without which we can’t live. When I say this people say “why can’t we live without them??” The answer is simple “Because you can’t”. If you can just try to live without them for about a month even. To say the truth I can’t.

Friendship can be described as co-operation between two people, understanding between them which should have affection towards each other with due respect and loyalty. They should have helping behavior even though crisis comes between them.

The most important element of a friendship is trust. I would call it “food of friendship” without which it won’t be lasting like we can’t live without food. Another important element is how much you value it. The more you value it the more you get closer. On this basis we got to select the best for the other.

Honesty is another important one, as not everyone can tell you what is wrong in your side. There will be few people telling you how actually they feel about you. This is needed for a friendship. A friend should be a person who is honest in whatever they say and whatever they do. They should find your mistakes and let you correct them and appreciate the good things you do. This makes the person understand himself much more. It goes along with the trust.

For the honesty and specially letting you to know the mistakes there should be understanding not just understanding but a good understanding. Without it you might you might put a full stop to it or even a comma where a third party has to come.

Sympathy is an element where I find almost in every friendship but it is also important to have empathy where you should be able to understand others mind or the emotions. Sometimes it is difficult in hard situations to take the initiate and share it with a friend but if a friend comes questioning what has happened we tend to share it automatically.This makes us to reveal a lot of pressure on our side. If you don't believe it just try it you will realize how true am i?

Love is also vital for a relation like this. How can two people be close if they don’t love each other? We might not feel it and it might be difficult for us to believe it, because we only know one ‘love’ which is called the romance. We should love them, the way they are, from where they come from and so on…

Friendship is much closer relationship than the others. Because in friendship we come close to each other ( even in the other relations) by sharing the life experiences, getting to know the other one better. So in this process it makes the people more comfortable to share whatever they come across in their life. For instance in a dad-son relationship it would be difficult to share quite a lot of things. If he can share then it can be called a form of friendship.

There can be many types of friendship. The number may depend on the person. Best friend(s) will be the closest ones whom you share everything. The next may be closest friends and closer friends. There may another part can name it as ‘known friends’ who you know from somewhere or you have gone to some place together or you have talked to them , but is not a ‘friend’. There would be another type called ‘friend’s friends’ who are friends of your friend’s who you know from one or more of your friends who is not very close to you.

I wonder why people disagree in having close friendship with the opposite sex. To be a friend we don’t have to be of same sex. But then I have told by many people that it is sometimes easy to share information with an opposite sex friend than of a same sex, if that person is trust worthy. I have come across situations like that which I won’t be able to share it here. I haven’t seen these friendship been so robust for a long time unless and until all the people around are understanding people. People say “if two people of opposite sex are close they tend to fall in love.” I, of course can’t say anything about it.

What can I say is a love relationship is also a kind of friendship, where it to be continued, if all elements of friendship need to be present in it. This might be difficult to accept but if you think you will realize that it is the truth.

One can argue people are different, the culture, religion, nationality , belief and ethnicity may be different and how can of people from two different religion, or culture can be friends? Why not? Why can’t they be friends? As I have said if there is all elements with the respect for who he/she is, it isn’t difficult to be friends.

I am a person who likes to have friends. I love to be friend with others. So this made me to get many friends where I have one best friend and am a best friend for 4-5 friends and uncountable close friends. Childhood friends, O’level class mates, A’level class mates, office mates, CIMA class mates…..

I take this opportunity to thank all my friends and all who are close to me and who consider me as a close one, especially as am in a foreign country, the close friends from here.

I love you all and will never ever forget you.

A friend in need is a friend indeed… am there for you always