Monday 24 March 2014

Learning Expedition 2014 - A remarkable event

Learning Expedition 2014 is the 4th study tour arranged by Clique College from 11th March to 16th March 2014 in Sri Lanka specially covering Kandy and Nuwera Eliya and Colombo city limits.

Visit to MAS Linear
This Study Tour was was promoted as a trip of a lifetime and it certainly was for my self and hope it was the same with students as well. Study tours are expensive, it requires investment of both in money and time, and it is very important that such tours are of value to the participants and their studies. As with the three previous study tours, this tour was no exception. It was worth a great deal more than the cost of participation. This was the only time where 45 students participated in the tour and 10 -15 were in the waiting list. It shows that the interest of the students for the tour and the proper marketing initiatives by the organisers. 

Clique College Business Development Manager and Learning Expedition Co- organiser, Mr. M.F.M Roshan, said the tour, was part of Clique College’s commitment to giving local students an international perspective.


It provided an intimate knowledge of the production, processing and trading in different industries in Sri Lanka, as well as enlightening the participants about many other related issues. The Tour fulfilled all its objectives.
Before departure to Sri Lanka

Everyone was there to learn and gain a greater understanding and a closer view of the business environment in Sri Lanka. It aims to provide students with the experience they would not be able to get from their own country. During the six days, participants were able to gain an intimate knowledge of the production and processing of many products and services like apparel, steel, tea, herbal products, poly-sack Manufacturing, strawberry cultivation and investment in stock market. 

Experiencing Pedro tea estate

The tour enabled participants to meet up with students from different age and background and share their experience and knowledge. It has enabled them to build their network and to interact with students from University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka. This helped the participantscto know about their student life and compare it with their own in Maldives. The aim was to achieve these objectives with just over six days out of our own country and classes.


That the Study Tour went so well is a huge credit to the organisers and the students. This is especially the case when you consider the number and range of visits and the other activities that were packed into a very busy schedule alongside the distances that we traveled.

The organiser of the trip was Mr. Roshan (Remo) and my self (IQ), supported by several other staffs, individuals and students. I would say he (Roshan) is a great leader and I am proud to be associated with such dedicated individual who worked very hard and sacrificed so much for the trip. He is the first person to be congratulated for making this trip a successful one. Brother Roshan! I am proud of you

Our partner in 6 days travel
A special mention should also be made of the tour agency, Legacy Travels, who arranged the accommodation and transport for the tour group throughout the programme. Also our driver who’s driving skills on the narrow streets and lanes of Araliya and Nuwara Eliya is never to forget.

It was not an easy task to handle 45 students with different personalities and with different age groups. It was possible because of the commitments from staff and the coordination between us as well as the attitude of students. Students were willing to follow our orders and requests even when they did not like to do so. They waited so long in hunger and were so patient without making big hassle. They were obedient as well as very respectful. They were outstanding. We became very close to them and hopefully will continue to do so. Thank you beloved students


The Study Tour participants were asked to expect longer travel hours and a busy schedules. I describe the tour as “the best experience you will ever have in your college life especially Clique College life”

This was certainly the case. On Tuesday early morning the Tour participants converged on the Hulhule’ ferry, for the start of the Study Tour. Bismillahi, In the name of Allah we start this beautiful journey

Group photo
During the next six days the participants visited and held discussions with 8 different business organisations and authorities and visited the University of Peradeniya to see their impressive sceneries and to have an interactive session with the students and a shopping day in Colombo

Students visited spice garden, BOI Kandy branch, MAS linea, two other factories in Pallekale zone, Colombo Stock Exchange-Kandy, strawberry farm, Pedro tea estate.

In each of these places a senior member explained the process and showed the premises followed by Q & A sessions . Different students enjoyed or acquired information in different places. Some students were happy about the session in MAS, others in the Colombo Stock Exchange, while some others in the Pedro tea estate.

We traveled hundreds of Kilometers and stayed in 5 different hotels over the 6 days. Sadly, for some of the participants this left little time for sightseeing and shopping! However, it encouraged many to recognise the beauty of the region, understand different concepts of Hotels in the region and to want to return to Kandy and Nuwera Eliya.


Visit to strawberry farm
The tour was an immensely valuable learning experience; for many of the participants it was their first visit to Kandy and Nuwera Eliya for a study tour and many were unfamiliar with many of the factories and the industry. They were able to see and experience it at first hand and in detail.

It provided a clear picture of the diversity, sophistication, range and quality of products and production facilities and the services provided by those organisations. There will be valuable lessons and contacts that Group members have taken back to enrich their own endeavours.

I am sure it provided the students with immense knowledge and experience which they had never had before and that they are going to use it in their studies as well as in the practical life

Will Miss you...

We had joyful 6 days together playing and cracking jokes enjoying some pool time or a miming game or singing. During the long travels the Boduberu played important role in making it fun. Not forget the Secret friend game made some people LOL while some people leading to disappointment.
In Pedro tea estate

I, here thank all the participants for their interest in the tour. You guys were so great. You guys were Superb, fantastic, outstanding funny and co-operative. I am proud of you guys... not to mention I will miss each and every one of you badly. Love you all

I hope you achieved something from the trip and hope it was a memorable and remarkable experience you had.

Be safe and Keep in touch

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