Tuesday 30 June 2009

A united Kendhoo again....???

Everyone loves their home island. All want to spend their life time there. But for some reason we are not be able to live there. For education, for earning a life… and so many other reason.

I always tell my friends that my island is a beautiful island where everyone is so united. They help each other when they are in need. People who visit there, praises for the friendliness and kindness of the residence. That was my island. That is Kendhoo.

Change is an inevitable thing in our life. We always come across some change in our life all the time. So like that our country political conditions changed and so does that affect all Maldivians. I would be one of those who are happy about the change. But this made us cry too. Most of us are not used to these changes are reacting in many different ways.

The united island Kendhoo has divided into two parts. This can be very clearly seen to people who ever visits there. When I went there for the May holidays, I was so sad to see that. Some people who talked to others with a smile just ignore each other as if they have never met. Families have parted. Friendships have been broken. The helping environment has totally changed. Now everything is done to show the other part that they could do something.

The people who celebrated Eid together are celebrating it separately. So much of hatred has built within them. There is no space for love at all. No one is willing to do that also.

I have been trying to be neutral but as I also belong to a family and that family belongs to one group people see me as part of them. I am a member of the family but that doesn’t mean that I should be with them when it comes to politics.

Our club… Diamond Sports and recreation Club is trying to get back the old kendhoo. We are having discussion forums with other clubs to see if there is any way we can celebrate Eid together. This might lead us to be united again. Our club’s main aim is to work together for the betterment of kendhoo but in association with other clubs. Our first step has been successful as the clubs are willing to do it together. But there are small issues that need to be looked into. Now we are trying to look into those as soon as possible. Hopefully with Allah’s grace we would be able to make it happen this time.

For this we need co-operation from all the residence of kendhoo. Especially from the youth, as the youth population is high in Kendhoo and also the registered clubs. Hope to see a united kendhoo again soon.