Monday 22 February 2010

Mercury Maldivians- FUN DAY 2010

It was our first event in the current semester and the first event since I became president. The purpose was to have an icebreaking session among the students especially the newcomers who joined our institute this semester. It was held at Sosun Villa the old embassy of Maldives.
We started with our breakfast for which we had “ Roshi and Mashuni” followed by several fun activities like football, “ Faiga thalhaa” , “ Boduberu”, “lava baazy” etc…
We cooked our lunch (Noodles) there itself and after lunch a great football match was played between Morgey’s team and Kokky’s team which was easily won by Morgey’s team scoring 9-5. In the evening after the football match we went to Mount Lavinia beach to have some fun there, to have a swim in the sea. We came home at about 8 in the night
It gives me pleasure to thank those members who participated and especially the committee members for the nice job they did to make this event a happening one. Special thanks goes to MSA who grant us the permission to use the premises of old embassy for the event.