Monday 28 February 2011


A lot of people ask the difference between Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and Associate Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Both qualifications are professional qualifications and once you complete it you become a Accountant, one is Management Accountant and the other one Financial Accountant. The main difference I see is that CIMA qualifiers is more internally focused and is needed before something happens e.g. Project evaluations, management information, financial ratio calculations. ACCA qualifiers is more external focused and act after the event e.g., tax, audit and financial reporting. Here are few of them you could look at,

Saturday 26 February 2011

Heyboanara Trip 2011.................

It was on 14th February 2011, WITS- the student Association of Clique College was officially inaugurated for the academic year 2011. WITS comprise of 13 member, 5 of them are executive and 8 of them being non-executive. Their first event for the year was “Heybonara Trip”.

It was challenging as they got only few days ahead of them for the deadline 25th February 2011. There are few constraints to have the event, one being an island to go. No one wants to go to Kuda Bandos including me and you right? If we go to an inhabited island there could be problems that WITS would lose control over the students and if anything happens they would be held responsible for and the aim of the trip could not be achieved.

WITS tried all the possible options and still they were not able to get an island. All the resorts are either fully occupied or highly occupied so that they would not want a group of locals to disturb tourists’ privacy. The resorts under renovation has also being approached but had no luck.

Finally WITS decided to go to Kuda Villingili near Thulusdhoo which belongs to yatch tours. None of the WITS council member has gone to that island but there were few people who said the island is OK and some says it is not. WITS decided to go because it’s the only island available and also an island most of us have never gone.
More than 90 people bought the ticket including staff and the management. It was a good turn out since its being long time there was no trip like this. There were about more than 75 participants in the event. We reached there around 8 in the morning but were able get settle only around 11. Boat could not go near and so we had so much of difficulties in getting into the island with all those materials we took.  So, the well planned trip started with changes in the plan.

Wednesday 9 February 2011


I here share you some of the pictures I took from my island Kendhoo.. these are all the banners, posters they used for their campaign. In this Historical election, the result turned around very much unexpected. I saw lots of unethical behaviors from some of the supporters, personal anti-campaign and by that means or other means they have win the election and we accept it. Hope our new council would bring us, a lot of development.

Kendhoo - DRP

Kendhoo - MDP
Kendhoo - DRP team

Kendhoo - Adhalath Party

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Good Old days.... Back in SL

6th September 2007 to 3rd June 2010 was a period I never want to forget in my life. I would never be able to forget it either. Those are some golden days in my life with so much of happiness and less worries.  I would say I was never worried about things. 

The most important thing I got is the CIMA qualification. I always wanted to be a Manger or an Accountant but CIMA made it easy for me. I am now a Management Accountant. We were the only students who did a crash course in foundation. Within 3 months we were able to follow managerial level at that time as of now the operational level. I have shared about the foundation day in my blog very early