Tuesday 18 December 2007



Eid ul al ha is a Eid of Sacrifice, and commitment to Allah orders, May Allah bless us with the same in a circles of life, and help al amongst us, who are helpless, worried and waiting for this rahmath
May the angels protect us, may sadness forget us, may goodness surround us, may happiness be around us ans may ALLAH always be with us
Aameen, ya rabbal aalameen

In EID(Bodu Eid) I like to be in my home island and I have never been in other place during Eid except my island. Unfortunately or fortunately this time I am away not only from my home island but also from my country. In my island I used to enjoy a lot participating in almost every thing. Most importantly the stage show. I used to enjoy it a lot. Our team "Diamond Sports" always aims to present a good stuffs of items. But this time I wont be there to take part in it. So with this sadness I wish all them the best.

Wish you, all happiness
EID Mubarak

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