Friday 13 March 2009


It started beginning of January. I was told by Shehan that some people wanted to meet us regarding their class party or something. We went and met them and decided to change it to a big party from a small class party. There the idea of Mercury Night 2009 came into being. With the approval to go ahead we started our work. It was named as “TOXIC” no way out till March.

With few people known in the organizing committee we started the “BIG” project of the year. It was such a big project that we decided to have it on February 28th. Almost after two months. We had to find out Sponsors and Banners to support it. We tried our best to get as many as sponsors so that we could pass the benefit to the students by reducing the ticket price.

As I am not from SL I don’t know much places to go for sponsors. So I was just a mere body inside when it comes to sponsor meetings. I was given the biggest responsibility of a Treasurer by Mr.Kamal. We had so many meetings and we were like 24/7 at Mercury. We went so many places in search of sponsor. We spent so many times together and it was really fun. We got to know each other better with some small fights between the members.

It was less than two weeks and only one sponsor was confirmed with some few banners from here and there. We were so worried that we thought the party might be a flop but still we didn’t lose our spirit and worked hard. We were able to convince ACCA to be the main sponsor and with that we were sorted.

The party was a great success with about 200 people and a good profit. It was the most happening party. Everyone enjoyed being in the party. We, the committee members were so happy to see that our great effort made it a success. Thanks to everyone, the sponsors and the banner providers, lecturers, Mercury institute and the students.

“TOXIC” made a big change in our life. It made me get very good friends and made the close friends to get closer. It made things turn in a happy way for many of the participants. I miss the times we spent together. I miss you all, the “TOXIC family” .It was great.

1 comment:

ezoo said...

wow..nice.. :) i love it