Wednesday 2 February 2011

Good Old days.... Back in SL

6th September 2007 to 3rd June 2010 was a period I never want to forget in my life. I would never be able to forget it either. Those are some golden days in my life with so much of happiness and less worries.  I would say I was never worried about things. 

The most important thing I got is the CIMA qualification. I always wanted to be a Manger or an Accountant but CIMA made it easy for me. I am now a Management Accountant. We were the only students who did a crash course in foundation. Within 3 months we were able to follow managerial level at that time as of now the operational level. I have shared about the foundation day in my blog very early

My studies went quite well that I was able to finish it within the period 2years and 8 months. I got stuck in one subject and that made me waste 6 months of studies. As they say everything happens for good. Those 6months too were full of happy memories and moments.

The other BEST gift I got was the friendship I made with so many nice people. Here I would like to mention you people are some of the very good friends I have to in my life. You made my life worth in Sri Lanka. The outings, trips, parties, lunches and travels were the things I never experienced in Maldives and they were in Sri Lankan style with so much fun. The Maldivian friends I got, is something worth highlighting. We had great fun in Maldivian style in another country and hope we could have it in our own country.

It always happens when we go away from home, we always want to come home and we would be glad to come home as soon as possible. We leave the place with all the memories. We never think that would haunt you one day.

Really guys when I see all those pictures all the memories come afresh and it makes my eyes wet. The beautiful memories, the jokes and laughter are never gonna leave my mind.

Today is such a day all those memories flow from my head here and there and I see each and every face with those smiles. I am glad I got bunch of superb friends and I promise I would keep you as my friend forever and I would always be a good friend

Good memories make you cry and bad memories make you laugh and I don’t want to laugh with Sri Lankan memories.

1 comment:

Charlee said...

IQY... i saw this only now aney:) missing all those good times...