Friday 24 September 2010

Help Musthaq Campaign

I got a chance to work in the team of “Help Musthaq campaign”. This campaign is to help Musthaq to help him for the transplantation. Mr. Abdull Musthaq is a hardworking dynamic young leader, who has dedicated most of his time in developing children, youth and community groups in the Maldives. Mr. Abdulla Musthaq’s profession as a teacher and a counsellor since early 1998 have contributed in academic studies and vocational training programs enhancing their livelihood, leadership and self development.

Unfortunately today Mr. Abdulla Musthaq is suffering from end stage (stage 5) in rental disease (Kidney failure). Doctors have confirmed that his both kidneys have failed to function effectively. Currently Mr. Abdulla Musthaq requires regular dialysis three times a week.

Being unemployed......

I came here after my studies on June 3rd 2010. I stared searching for a job on 23rd June. I applied for about 7 places and only three places called for an interview. One of them rather than interviewing asked mostly about the professional qualification I had. They never called after that. The other one said they will call but never got back. The other place they offered a job for a very less salary and I rejected that offer.

It is very boring to be unemployed. Have nothing to do. Sitting Idle has never been my way. Couldn’t get a part time job too as they don’t employ qualified for their jobs and the potential places does not have vacant jobs too.

A day with Famliy

It has been three years since I was never with my family during the holy month of Ramazan. Ramazan is a family month with lot of local foods associated with it. When I was in abroad it was the two things that I missed most.

After three years I got the chance again, to be with the things that I was missing family, friends and the food. I was in male looking for a job I had to stay in male’ and was not expecting to be there in the island.

Fortunately, I got an opportunity to go there on an official trip for about two days. It was a surprise for the family and they were so happy to see me there especially on Ramazan. With an unexpected transportation problem I had to stay there for about 4 days and it was so beautiful which would be stored in my beautiful memories.