Friday 24 September 2010

Being unemployed......

I came here after my studies on June 3rd 2010. I stared searching for a job on 23rd June. I applied for about 7 places and only three places called for an interview. One of them rather than interviewing asked mostly about the professional qualification I had. They never called after that. The other one said they will call but never got back. The other place they offered a job for a very less salary and I rejected that offer.

It is very boring to be unemployed. Have nothing to do. Sitting Idle has never been my way. Couldn’t get a part time job too as they don’t employ qualified for their jobs and the potential places does not have vacant jobs too.

I have never been unemployed for this long and the reason behind this is the certificate. Everyone needs an accredited certificate and I would be able to provide only when I receive that. It has been confirmed that I would receive it in a week’s time. Let’s wait for it.

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