Thursday 30 December 2010

Unnecessary pressure

Pressure is sometimes a very effective one. It pushes us to where we want to reach. It energizes us and motivates us. It makes us remind that there is something left to be done. Many of us want pressure to be there to do something. That is the reason we always keeps things for the last moment. Studies, we would always wait for the last two weeks to start studies. We think that its only way that makes us to do things. This has been set in our minds since childhood. 

On the other hand pressure sometimes kills us. It gives unnecessary headaches and makes us sick. In pressurize times we tend to be very nervous and normally things go wrong even if we try our best to make it right. Sometimes things get delayed as we are always in a rush and things go out of our hand.

Is pressure good for us? Does it motivate us? I know most of us would give a very diplomatic answer as “A moderate level of pressure is good for us.” I think even the doctors says the same thing. Here I am not going to debate on this topic but rather the pressure we that we have to avoid in any circumstances

With these our own pressures there comes the outside pressure which most of all are unnecessary ones. Pressure from family, friends, neighbors, community people, political pressure, financial pressure... And you can go on counting it.

These stakeholders in our life sometimes pressurize for no reason and that makes our life miserable. But one thing we should know is that these pressures comes from those people because they love us. They want to see us happy. Our job is to tackle it in the best way. 

I would give an example of this in my own life. Many of my friends who are same age of me or even little younger than me have married and most of them have got kids. There is only few from my gang left unmarried and some are very young. Out of this two or three have got married very recently. I attended a party of two of my class mates in this December and to tell you the truth, everyone who knew me has asked the same question “Hey when are you going to get married... now it’s your time... hope that you are working on it... and you know what it is high time you to get married.” Oh my god!!! Ya I know I have come to the age to get married.

One of my close buddies, who got married in my island, had the party and all my family members were invited. I knew there would be questions raised and I was ready with an accurate answer. Before any one says anything I have called my mom and asked her not to worry as I do have plans and will get married soon. But you know what she has said to all my friends that she is worried for me and want to see me getting married soon. Even my friends they are calling. Most of the community members are asking the same thing. I was very stressed before. But now I know how to tackle those without making them feel left.

This is something that we have to really think about. We often see many youths coming suicide. There has to be a reason behind this. This pressure could be a reason. Don’t you think so? Our community needs to think about this. We have to understand that everyone has their plans. In each of those plans all of the stakeholders are included not to pressurize but to push us through the right way and to guide

What is your idea?

1 comment:

Jummi said...

i dnt think im pressurized in any way... no wonder i have low blood pressure... hehehe...