Saturday 1 January 2011

A New Year..... 2011

It’s a new year… everyone is celebrating it. People do have plans for the New Year. People are having different resolutions. Some are really weird and some are really fantastic. But the first question is whether it is important to have a resolution for each new year or not? The other question is whether the resolutions and plans we have… are we really acting according to it or not?
I never have plans for New Year. Whether it is a new year or new month whenever I have to plan I plan. I don’t have special occasions for that. Many friends have asked for my plans and I give different answers for that..It’s because I really don’t have one…

But I do have a plan for this year 2011… It might look odd but I really want to get married this year winning a cute girls heart, which could be a tough task to do. I do have some other material plans like building a house in my sister’s land, buying a motor bike, living alone; start lecturing for a professional course.

I am sure you all would have some plans and hope those plans come into reality the way you have planned it.
Wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR… May Allah bless you!!

1 comment:

Jummi said...

i thought i cnt keep up with my new years resolution... but so far so good ;)