Wednesday 18 May 2011

Learning Expedition Colombo 2011...

A study tour was arranged by Clique College with Student Association WITS and was dubbed as "Learning Expedition Colombo 2011" to Sri Lanka from 22nd March to 26th March 2011.
Students before departure
I have not being in a study tour before. I was not very familiar with it. This is one reason I was very keen in working in the project. Everything that has been done was new to me. I was all the day busy making arrangements for the tour. Students were expecting a lot from the tour. No one has been in a study and is excited how it would be. I hear from students that they feel it would be boring. 

There were 14 students who confirmed and paid to go for the tour. All the arrangements were done except for the visits that we have to make. I met with the students to inform that what they have to do prior to the departure and assured them that it would be enjoyable. Rules were made and instructions were given. President of Clique College met with the students to inform them the purpose of the trip and what they have to gain from the trip.

Everything was so packed, and works left to do. I was busy with visit arrangements while president helped me to get the necessary documents for the tour. Students were trying their best to do the presentation. I am happy here to note that I saw 14 enthusiastic students and I was glad they wanted to be a part of it.

Students @ Royal Institute
We departed early morning on 22nd of March 2011. There were 18 participants including 4 staffs. It was around 5 in the morning we reached hotel. We went through a difficult procedure in checking as the front staff is not very fluent in English. We had our visit in the noon 12 to Chamber of Commerce. We have just 6 hours left for whatever we had to do. Everyone was feeling very sleepy. We were awake the whole night. At this time even there were only 3 places confirmed and fortunately first day of the study tour was fully booked. Not to forget there the journey from Airport to Hotel in the bus was remarkable journey. We had so much of fun there and that was the start of it.

Everyone was informed about the breakfast time and was asked to report to lobby at 11:15. We were little late because “gadha group” could not wake up on time. All went well and had a great session in Chamber of Commerce. After the session we headed to have our lunch at McDonald. After the lunch we went to Royal Institute, met with their student association. We had a good interactive session there. 

Students after visit to MAS Active
Dinner was at Marry Brown. The bus trips and the meal times were the time for us to make fun. I am sure each and every participant would have enjoyed it. I was able to arrange the second day schedule and it was pretty a tight one. We visited BOI office in Katunayaka Export Zone in the morning and were followed by two factory visits. One is the Shadow line of MAS Active and was a remarkable experience. We were able to see each and every process of the factory and it was a life time experience. When I studied my case study was on apparel industry and that is why I enjoyed it so much. Kramski was the other factory we visited who manufactures small parts for auto mobile industry. 

We went to have our lunch at KFC but then it was about 4 in the evening we had our lunch. Sorry my students, I could not help but had to finish the visits that was being arranged. We had our dinner at Crescat in the Cinnamon Garden Hotel.

3rd day of the study tour was also a very tight day. We had arranged 3 visits for the day. First we went to University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance. We had our lunch at Amaravathi Restaurant and everyone enjoyed the food there. It was followed by a visit to Export Development Board. After a good session we went to International Financial Corporation and that concludes the visits for the day. We had our dinner at Excel world after a fun event of bowling. I guess bowling was awesome. Did you guys enjoy?

The following day, 4th day of the tour we visited Colombo Stock Exchange. After the interesting session everyone headed for Shopping. Everyone wanted to shop so much we ended up shopping until 10 in the night. We had our lunch from McDonald again and dinner again in Marry Brown. 
Students after visit to Kramski
It is to remember that we had so much one being together for 4 days. All most all the time we were together and we slept a little too. In the night we had some fun activities like miming and celebrating Shifaz’s B’day. Making fun in the lobby area and near our room we had joking session in the night. Everyone laughed to max.

 I, here thank the staffs who joined the trip for their contribution to make the tour successful. If they haven’t being so co-operative we would not have finish the tour so successfully. I have to thank my good friend Ibrahim Shuhail for helping me out with arranging transport and pick up from the airport. Adam from Maldives High commission name has to be highlighted here for the help in getting the appointments for the visit. I thank all the staffs and the management of the places we visited for their well prepared and interactive sessions.

Last but not least, my fellow 14 students. You were so great. I am really impressed with you guys participation. You all were really focused. I like being on the team with people who have your kind of focus. What would I say about you? Well you guys were GREAT, SUPERB, WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC, SMART, SPECTACULAR, MAGNIFICENT, MARVELOUS, TERRIFIC, PHENOMENAL, FUNNY AND  CO-OPERATIVE Well this might not be enough but I would say it was really enjoyable trip with you guys. I had great fun there. I am proud of you guys.

I hope you achieved something from the trip and have reached to the goal of the tour and hope it was a memorable and remarkable experience for you. I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors. My prayers are with you. K.I.T

Participants departed from Sri lanka in the morning 26th of March 2011.


Anonymous said...

your learning from our country ,but i learned a lot from your country as well during my short stay.. the most competitive place to run a business ...

selina roxy said...

nice to view those memories captured.... n yes... thank you for plannin n organising so informational and interesting tour n hope to experience such tours near future.... thanxxx...