Tuesday 13 December 2011

Endorsing what you really are…

We see that our advertising trend has got tremendous changes and most of it is positive ones. These changes have brought us positive and negative impact on our (customer) life. I don’t know whether most of us aware of these or we are just too lazy to look deeply into it. I am not going to highlight on those impacts but being honest in what you really endorse.

If we tune into a TV channel and wait for their commercial break you would see a lot of Shampoo being advertised on it. All this shampoo has been endorsed by different models mostly celebrities that follow a big fan base. Every company wants to hire them to endorse their product because of the fan base. The question we should ask our self is that are they really endorsing what they really use. Is it necessary for them to use what they endorse? In my view point, not necessarily but if they have some ethical values they would so. If I take my favorite actress Katrina who is endorsing “Pentene Shampoo” I would love to use that shampoo because she is endorsing it. I would not be sure whether it is the right product for me or not. How many of us will be there who just follow who ever our favorite is no matter what impacts it has on us.

Mobile networks…
We see celebrities endorsing different mobile networks. I have seen some of the celebrities/ models using a different network than what they actually use. Is this ethical? is this something we just do it for money? Celebrities are the people who many people take as a role model and the fans would want to use whatever they use and say whatever they say.

Hair care products…
These are also one of the products which people use just because their favorite uses it. These are products that you have to be more careful in selecting it. Different hair has different ways of treating it. The nutrients, proteins and others are needed differently to different hairs. If we don’t consider these and use what they endorse we would end up in a big mess.

Other cosmetics and brands..
There is fragrance that is not suitable to your skin complexion and we have to choose a one that suits that complexion. We tend to see many people using it because of the same reason that has been highlighted here. One of my friend said “you know what? Stephan in Vampire Diaries is using this scent, so I am going to use that too no matter what the smell is.” He is a crazy fan of the actor.
There are other brands specially food products which are not very healthy and cause you a lot of healthy issues which has been endorsed by these celebrities.

I think whether a Model or a celebrity should endorse what they really are.. if they are into unhealthy food then it would have no harm as he/she is endorsing what actually they eat. I think this is something that we need to deeply think about..

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