Thursday 17 May 2012

Maafushi and the good people

The Producer and the Technical Team
I have being living in Male since 2002. Even though it has been 12 years since I came to Male’ I have not got much chance to go to nearby inhabitant islands. I have only being to K.Guraidhoo and K.Thulusdhoo that is also for Friday prayers on Heyboana trips organized by the Student Association of Clique College, WITS. The truth is I never planned or didn’t want to go for some odd reasons

Preparation Work
Things changed when Clique College Interns team went to Semi-Final and their task was based on a nearby island, Maafushi. Our students got a huge task where they needed pre- preparations. They requested me to go with them to help them in their preparation work. My seniors allowed me to go requesting for a strict supervision

Maafushi Village
We went on 11th of April 2012 and as soon as we reached we started our work. Meeting the stakeholders was the most important part and we were able to go according to our plan. There were difficulties we faced as it was a new island to us. More over the island was hot and it was difficult to cope up in that environment
Boduberu Team
Our team’s had three plans to execute; one is the Maafushi Village, A website for Maafushi tourism business community and a training session for the people of Maafushi. The execution day was 14th of April 2012 and everything went well on that day. Unfortunately or fortunately I had to take a part of the training session which is not my main area. Even though I was not very comfortable in taking the customer care part I took it to help our students and not to fail them in their execution. I believe it was not me who did the lecturing as I was never that boring. Anyway I still hope some of them got some knowledge out of my presentation and will use it in their daily work life.

Watching the Show in Maafushi
As we got lot of help from the community we wanted to thank them especially the stall and dance girls as well as the Boduberu team. We arranged a dinner after the execution and I must say the night was full of fun. I got few good friends from Maafushi and they are friends for life.

As we won against FHTS and progress to final we planned to go to Maafushi and celebrate it. We celebrated it with all those who helped us by arranging a BBQ for them. It was the official thank you for their support.

Preparation in the midnight
Now comes to my story. How did my story change by this? Well I must honestly say I loved staying in Maafushi, the reason being friends I got were really good. They bring this feeling that it’s my island and I should not be leaving the island at any cost. As I went twice to Maafushi and it was just after 2 weeks after I went on first time, my friends and family were having a suspicious look. They thought that I had started a relationship from Maafushi. I tried to tell them the truth but they were never ready to listen to it so I too changed and made them believe that I am dating someone from there.

The sweet girls
I saw some cute girls there but most of them were way younger than me. Damn me and my age :P I was not in a state to proceed with such a thing as dating. I had no intention them until I saw a girl on one night. She was cute and had kinda same look I wanted in a girl. I wanted to try it out. I was too busy I didn’t get a chance at least to say “Hi”. I couldn’t get to introduce myself to her. Even though nothing happened our friends were bugging me. I thought I should give a try at least to be her friend. I got her number and now I have become a friend of her. I think I have won everything in Maafushi from winning the Interns Show and getting bunch of good friends.

Now I will grab any opportunity to go to Maafushi and I am sure I love this island for some reason. I could make it my third home

"The Great TEAM"
It would be very unfair if I don’t thank all the actors/actress  in this short film, Hantu and his family, Sola, Hassan, Nabee, Shimu, Aisha, Sina, Ruhu, Amath, Sitha, Shixu, Marikko, Aunty, Shaga and all the other girls. You guys made my stay worthwhile and I should thank the Producers and all the technical people Rashid, Shifaz, Reehan, Roshan, Fathun and Nuha.


Ryhan said...

"Maafushi and Good People" nice topic.. i like this "Story". good job IQ.. i hope you will get ur 3rd Home from there..

Thitthi said...

damn man.... i still don't want to believe this!!! anyways, we had a great experience and lot of fun there... we have learnt lot of things... thanks for CLIQUE INTERNS TEAM and ALLIED for arranging the show with a huge budget :-)

thanks IQ for you 24/7 help and guidance..


theonlyiq said...

Yea dho Rado,

Let's meet up and bring some good memories back.. It was a good experience.. Clique students has not had a experience like this ever before nor after.. Good team