Tuesday 25 February 2014

A Mixed feeling... Leaving Clique College

Today would be my last day officially reporting to Clique College and I thought I will express my feeling through my blog

Dear Directors,

Your confidence and trust in my abilities and genuine concern for my professional growth make this decision especially difficult. I will be forever grateful for the invaluable expertise I acquired while under your guidance. Also, the friendships I have developed here have helped make my years with the company successful and productive. My co-workers have been among the finest people I have ever known.

Dear Colleagues,

It is sad for me to say that this is my last day in Clique College as a fulltime staff. I am leaving this organization where I made so many friends for life and got handful of lessions on professionalism. Working with some of the finest and most talented people in the industry I have learned many new things which have helped me enrich my knowledge in going ahead in my career.

While leaving from here, my mind has been flooded with mixed feelings. I am happy about joining a new venture for career progression, but at the same time, it's saddening to leave this happy work environment and you guys.

Business will continue as usual, but you will no longer be required to laugh at my jokes. I will greatly miss each and every one of you and the fun we had.

As for now, I can only hope that things would be same at my new workplace, and I will be able to enjoy every moment I spend there as I have been doing here. 

My life has been greatly enriched by the kindness and encouragement so many of you have shown to me. I will always be grateful for the many friends I have made along the way and the wonderful memories I take with me.

I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that working with you people was one of the most interesting phases of my life. Thank you for making my tenure at Clique College, so wonderful. I know that the support and timely guidance I got from you people would indeed help me to deal with the new challenges that come my way as I start a new phase of my career

Thanks once again for everything. I wish you guys’ all the luck in your future endeavors and I promise I will be in touch with you all.

Dear students,

Even though I am leaving Clique College as a fulltime staff, I will try and support you in every way I can.

I am very thankful that I was able to network with you all who have been extremely supportive and cooperative throughout all my tenure. I didn’t even realize that it’s already three years from my joining. With you all and the events that we had I felt like this is my second home. All you students were very loving and caring. It was your brilliance and dedication that is making Clique College number 1 among all colleges

When I think of our time together,  moments springs to mind faster than each other – the hard work you all put into organizing students events and support to the staff for their events like graduation, and along with your academic achievements, I am proud to have met such generous individuals with a passion for community service. I hope that you continue to contribute and inspire wherever you go.

As I bid goodbye as Financial Controller, to all of you I wish you all a very successful future and a life full of joy. May all your dreams come true and you all achieve your goals in life.
I am aware that wherever you are you will carry all the best qualities that the Clique has given you.

Keep up the good work.



Thitthi said...


This is so touching iq. You have a great persionalty and yes a good fried who is always available. No wonder where you work, whats your designation... we will be frinds forever. Insha allah. God may bless you and best of luck :-)

theonlyiq said...

Thank you thitthi... Thanx a lot

theonlyiq said...
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Unknown said...

miss u the most.. ur the best co worker any one could ask for.. be in touch. wish u all the BEST always :)

theonlyiq said...

Thank you Shafa... I can never forget the 3 years there... you are the BEST.. I will always be in touch In Sha Allah... Thank you for all the support.. even though I did not mention specific names you are one I want to mention.. that you know too..

I will keep missing that work environment..