Thursday 30 December 2010

Unnecessary pressure

Pressure is sometimes a very effective one. It pushes us to where we want to reach. It energizes us and motivates us. It makes us remind that there is something left to be done. Many of us want pressure to be there to do something. That is the reason we always keeps things for the last moment. Studies, we would always wait for the last two weeks to start studies. We think that its only way that makes us to do things. This has been set in our minds since childhood. 

On the other hand pressure sometimes kills us. It gives unnecessary headaches and makes us sick. In pressurize times we tend to be very nervous and normally things go wrong even if we try our best to make it right. Sometimes things get delayed as we are always in a rush and things go out of our hand.

Is pressure good for us? Does it motivate us? I know most of us would give a very diplomatic answer as “A moderate level of pressure is good for us.” I think even the doctors says the same thing. Here I am not going to debate on this topic but rather the pressure we that we have to avoid in any circumstances

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Local Council Election..........

This would be the three words that you would hear very often these days. The whole country is busy campaigning for their candidates. People do debate who is good and who is not. Everyone is planning for something great. Registering for the vote has begun. Election commission is really busy to make this a transparent one. 

All the parties want to get their majority and show that they have the public support. This is at core between the two biggest parties i.e. MDP and DRP. Everyone asks their members to win the election. Phone inbox is getting full of those messages. Everyone is asking to vote them. But then you can only vote for few.
A woman voting in an election
In my island there are 13 candidates running for the council election. 5 from the opposition party 2 from the ruling party and 6 independent candidates. Even though these six candidates run as independent they are being labeled as from some party. My island is very much divided into two parts yellow and blue. Both the parties are asking to vote for their candidates. 

I however would not go to a specific colour. This election is the most important election concerning specific to our communities. The effectiveness of the council would mean so much development in different fields. We would want a council fighting for our rights and development s rather than being into so much politics.

Friday 24 September 2010

Help Musthaq Campaign

I got a chance to work in the team of “Help Musthaq campaign”. This campaign is to help Musthaq to help him for the transplantation. Mr. Abdull Musthaq is a hardworking dynamic young leader, who has dedicated most of his time in developing children, youth and community groups in the Maldives. Mr. Abdulla Musthaq’s profession as a teacher and a counsellor since early 1998 have contributed in academic studies and vocational training programs enhancing their livelihood, leadership and self development.

Unfortunately today Mr. Abdulla Musthaq is suffering from end stage (stage 5) in rental disease (Kidney failure). Doctors have confirmed that his both kidneys have failed to function effectively. Currently Mr. Abdulla Musthaq requires regular dialysis three times a week.

Being unemployed......

I came here after my studies on June 3rd 2010. I stared searching for a job on 23rd June. I applied for about 7 places and only three places called for an interview. One of them rather than interviewing asked mostly about the professional qualification I had. They never called after that. The other one said they will call but never got back. The other place they offered a job for a very less salary and I rejected that offer.

It is very boring to be unemployed. Have nothing to do. Sitting Idle has never been my way. Couldn’t get a part time job too as they don’t employ qualified for their jobs and the potential places does not have vacant jobs too.

A day with Famliy

It has been three years since I was never with my family during the holy month of Ramazan. Ramazan is a family month with lot of local foods associated with it. When I was in abroad it was the two things that I missed most.

After three years I got the chance again, to be with the things that I was missing family, friends and the food. I was in male looking for a job I had to stay in male’ and was not expecting to be there in the island.

Fortunately, I got an opportunity to go there on an official trip for about two days. It was a surprise for the family and they were so happy to see me there especially on Ramazan. With an unexpected transportation problem I had to stay there for about 4 days and it was so beautiful which would be stored in my beautiful memories.

Monday 22 February 2010

Mercury Maldivians- FUN DAY 2010

It was our first event in the current semester and the first event since I became president. The purpose was to have an icebreaking session among the students especially the newcomers who joined our institute this semester. It was held at Sosun Villa the old embassy of Maldives.
We started with our breakfast for which we had “ Roshi and Mashuni” followed by several fun activities like football, “ Faiga thalhaa” , “ Boduberu”, “lava baazy” etc…
We cooked our lunch (Noodles) there itself and after lunch a great football match was played between Morgey’s team and Kokky’s team which was easily won by Morgey’s team scoring 9-5. In the evening after the football match we went to Mount Lavinia beach to have some fun there, to have a swim in the sea. We came home at about 8 in the night
It gives me pleasure to thank those members who participated and especially the committee members for the nice job they did to make this event a happening one. Special thanks goes to MSA who grant us the permission to use the premises of old embassy for the event.