Monday 24 January 2011

Copying…. A good thing or a bad thing

A topic very much debated and something we Maldivians prefer a lot to do, I mean copying. Everything thing in this article is purely my belief on it and it might vary from person to person

Copying is something which could not be eliminated from our life. In life we have to copy and those would have positive impacts as well as negative impacts on us. There are various types of copying and I won’t go in depth to those. We might copy something entirely or we might copy part of it or even mix two or more different things.

We start copying when we are babies. In school copying home work is the best thing we could do. Copying in exams is the funny and desirable thing to do.  This is what we believed when we were there right?

Let’s get into some action, real life examples. As each one of you would have seen When David Backham of England had different hair styles for different tournaments, we have seen many people copying exactly like him. We saw only few people trying to copy him as a whole but many of us copied his hair style whether it really goes with the personality or our style, we don’t care about it. The same it goes with other football stars too.

When it comes to Dhivehi film industry you barely see creativity and innovation. When someone questions about it, they would say, copying would only help them to do things better. Most of the music tracks are copied from somewhere and they make hell out of it that even we would not be able to listen to the original song as we would feel so annoyed to listen to that track.

Films have been copied the way it has been, with some small changes that anyways has to be incorporated into it. Video songs are the same as of the original, well the people who don’t see the original would feel so great about their “Stars”. Some Directors call this as fate and who would believe those.
Dhivehi Film Stars themselves trying to be some other famous film stars from Bollywood or Hollywood. I see many times that our famous actor Euppe’ trying to copy Shahrukh the way he is and Assad copying Suni Shetty and Isamail Wajeeh just want to be Salman Khan. 

Something we always follow is the fashion. If we look into fashion Wikipedia says “Fashion, a general term for a currently popular style or practice, especially in clothing, foot wear or accessories”. It doesn’t say following one’s favorite people. One may argue that the its very popular whatever celebrities wear. Does this mean we could do that? I see so many celebrities wearing see through clothes where they want to show off their body parts which has already been shown without anything on.  Why don’t we all follow this. It is because there are certain values that a society has and that is why we cant follow all those trends. What am trying to say is we tend to follow very unsual popular styles which defame all of us in our society. Is following a trend copying? If so is it good following? How would it look like if we make our own fashion trend which is not odd and acceptable in our society?

If you see any TV channel, you would see very few creative adds in there. If it is a product from abroad and you do have a add for the product abroad you would just dub it in Dhivehi and show it. Sometimes you would see unbelievable (may be with some creative adds too) and not interesting.  You would see so many shows aired on TV channels being copied from international channels. This could be a good thing if they can modify to the local environment and try to have the components better or the way it has to be. E.g. Voice of Maldives show, you never see marks of judges and how many SMS each participants get. It has aired so many shows and is left with one last, that is final show we have never seen these and so many critics are followed. i am someone who sees many of the reality shows from India and even England I see judges giving their marks immediately or some where they show how many marks have been given by each judge and how many SMS’s participants receive during the period. 

Sometimes I see articles too have been copied and even some reports are being copied. This could totally be unethical if they don’t refer to where they are taking the information. If you observe this am sure you would come across so many.

I have looked few areas where we do copying extensively. I would conclude that copying is not a bad thing if we do it the right way. Copy the idea not the entire process or the whole thing, develop it with your creativity and innovation. Well you could argue anything is good as far it is done the right way. Copy the good things and modify the way to suit us. But the BEST is to have creativity and innovation. Try to be yourself as much as you can.

Let’s hope for a better innovative society
By the way what do you think about copying?


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