Wednesday 21 December 2011

Key to my heart...

You hold key to my heart
 Even when Sudha was in the island school, everyone’s gaze is at her. It is because she is beautiful. Her family is a rich in the island level. Single guys and the youth though that if they can get married to Sudha then their life will get settled. Even when all of them were after her, there was only one name in her heart “Ziyadh”

Even though nobody knows it’s going to be 3 years for their relationship. The day Sudha parents get to know that she is in a relationship is the day she has to leave the island. Especially a person like Ziyadh from a middle class will never be accepted. They both know it very well. No one knows that Sudha parents are just hiding the truth that they know about the relationship. Ziyadh and Sudha don’t know the plan they are planning behind the scene.

Sudha parents were ready to depart, when she came from her last day at school. She did not get a chance to say good bye to him. She had to leave with few of her belongings. The people who were spying on her every act thought that they were going on a trip. Sudha’s parents won deceiving other eyes.

Ziyadh got suspicious, when he failed to reach her through phone after several attempts. People said that they went on a trip but he knew that her parents got away with her when he could not reach her. The continuous attempt for four days just got one clue that she went to Airport with her parents. He got to know from a friend’s friend. She doesn’t know anything and got no time to inform him about anything. He trusts his love. The love Sudha has for him is known by Ziyadh much more than Sudha herself. So he knows that even if she gets a minor chance she will call him. As there is nothing he could do, he started spending the days waiting for the call.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

End of the Silver jubilee of my life…

This would be my last day out here with age 25. I will be turning 26 tomorrow. Lets look at the silver jubilee of my life…

I was a bright kid and got to finish my O’level and A’level right on time. I was able to win a scholarship and finish CIMA on time.  I have got a very good job after my studies. I have earned  lot of good friends and as far as I know I have very few people who hate me.I have a loving family. what else you need in life? As far as now I am on my track with my life plan except one. That is my wedding. We planned to have it on 10.10.10 and I was not successful in achieving it. This is the reason I am not in a hurry with that part of the plan.

My next plan is to grow my own business, do Masters and find a senior post in Managerial Accounting area and get settled. Insha Allah I will be able to go ahead with the plan and live a happy life :P

I like to thank all the people who is in my life and who was in my life. Hope you guys can still count on me

I am 26 now haha...

Endorsing what you really are…

We see that our advertising trend has got tremendous changes and most of it is positive ones. These changes have brought us positive and negative impact on our (customer) life. I don’t know whether most of us aware of these or we are just too lazy to look deeply into it. I am not going to highlight on those impacts but being honest in what you really endorse.

If we tune into a TV channel and wait for their commercial break you would see a lot of Shampoo being advertised on it. All this shampoo has been endorsed by different models mostly celebrities that follow a big fan base. Every company wants to hire them to endorse their product because of the fan base. The question we should ask our self is that are they really endorsing what they really use. Is it necessary for them to use what they endorse? In my view point, not necessarily but if they have some ethical values they would so. If I take my favorite actress Katrina who is endorsing “Pentene Shampoo” I would love to use that shampoo because she is endorsing it. I would not be sure whether it is the right product for me or not. How many of us will be there who just follow who ever our favorite is no matter what impacts it has on us.

Mobile networks…
We see celebrities endorsing different mobile networks. I have seen some of the celebrities/ models using a different network than what they actually use. Is this ethical? is this something we just do it for money? Celebrities are the people who many people take as a role model and the fans would want to use whatever they use and say whatever they say.