Monday 31 December 2012

DSRC-- through my Eyes

މި ލިޔުން ޚާއްސަ މިކޮށްލަނީ ޑީ.އެސް.އާރް.ސީ އަށެވެ. އޭގެ ހަޔާތުން ވޭތުކުރި 5 އަހަރާ އޭގެ ކުރިއަށް އަޅުގަނޑުގެ ލޮލުން ބަލައިލެވޭ ބަލައި ލުމަކަށެވެ. 

އަޅުގަނޑުމެން އެންމެންނަކީ އެކުގައި ކުޅިސަމާސަ ކުރަން އުޅުނު ކުދި ބަޔަކީ މެވެ. އުމުރުން އެންމެ ދޮށީ މީހަކަށް ހުންނާނީ އަޅުގަނޑެވެ. އަޅުގަނޑުގެ އުމުރުން ބާރަ ނުވަތަ ތޭރަ ވަރަކަށް އަހަރެވެ. އެދުވަސްވަރަކީ ރަށުގައި ތިބެގެން ރަނގަޅު ތަޢުލީމެއް ލިބެން އޮތް ދުވަސް ވަރެއް ނޫނެވެ. އެހެންކަމުން ގިނަ ކުދިން ތަކެއް ރަށުން ބޭރަށް ކިޔަވަން ދިޔަ ދުވަސް ވަރެކެވެ. އަޅުގަނޑުވެސް ކިޔަވަމުން ގެންދިޔައީ ބ.އޭދަފުށީގައެވެ. އެންމެ ގާތް މީހަކަށްވެސް ހުރީ ވާލިދުއެވެ. އޭނަވެސް މާގިނަ ދުވަސް ތަކެއް ނުވެ އޭދަފުށި ދޫކުރިއެވެ. 

ކިޔަވަމުން ދިޔަ ދުވަސް ވަރުގެ ވާހަކަ އަކީ މި ލިޔުމުގެ މަޤްސަދު ކަމުގައި ނުވުމުން މި ލިޔުމުގެ އަސްލަށް ޖެހިލާނަމެވެ. އެއީ 1999 ވަނަ އަހަރުގެ ޑިސެންބަރެވެ. ރާއްޖޭގެ އެކި ކަންކޮޅުތަކުގައި ދިޔައީ އާ ސާސްކަފަށް ތައްޔާރު ވުމުގެ ގޮތުން އެތަށް ކަމެއް ރާވަމުން ނެވެ. އެގޮތުން ކެންދޫގައިވެސް ކުރާނެ ކަންތައްތަކެއް އިސް ފަރާތް ތަކުން ދިޔައީ ނިންމަމުން ނެވެ. އެގޮތުން ނިންމުނު އެއް ކަމަކީ ދެކޮޅު ވާދައަށް ފުޓްބޯޅަ މެޗެއް ކުޅުމެވެ. އެވެސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ އުމުރުގެ ކުދިންގެ މެދުގައެވެ. އެކަން ވެގެން ދިޔައީ އެންމެންނަށް ވެސް ލިބުނު ވަރަށް ބޮޑު އުފަލަކަށެވެ.

އަޅުގަނޑުގެ ނިސްބަތްވަނީ އިރުމައްޗަށް ކަމަށް ވިޔަސް އެކުގައި އުޅެނީ ހުޅަނގު ކޮޅު ކުދިން ކޮޅެވެ. އެހެންކަމުން ކޮންމެ ގޮތެއްވިޔަސް ކުޅެން ނިންމީ ހުޅަނގު ކޮޅަށެވެ. ކުޅެން ނިންމީ އޭ ބުނި ކަމުގައި ވިޔަސް އޭރު ވެސް މިހާރުވެސް އަޅުގަނޑަކީ ކުޅެން މާ މޮޅުމީހެއް ނޫނެވެ. ތަނބެއް ދަނޑުމަތީ ގައި ބެހެއްޓުމުން ވާނެ ފައިދާ އަޅުގަނޑު ކުޅެގެންވެސް ވާނެއެވެ. އެވެސް ވާނީ ކުޅުމައްތާ ދޯއެވެ! އެހެންވެ ކުޅެން ބޭނުންވާ ވާހަކަ ލިޔެލީއެވެ.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

2 years at Clique

It was after the completion of CIMA, I was looking for a job on August 2010. I applied to few places and was unfortunate that I had no previous experience in a senior position or I didn’t have the certificate or maybe I had the wrong qualification as some seems not to know what it is.

Clique College Graduation 2012
I found out that many people prefer expatriates to work in the Accounting department especially as Accountants and senior even with the same experience with Maldivians. In the end they end up paying more than what they will have to pay for the Maldivians. I am sure there has to be reasons for this. It is a happy note that thought the situation is like that it is changing fast with number of Maldivians getting qualified in the field.

From my brother I got the opportunity to apply for a post of Business Development Manager at Clique College. I sent the CV and was called for an interview. I was interviewed by the Managing Director of Clique College and that was the start.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Trip to Singapre - the different picture

It was o one of my dream come true. I always wanted to travel around the world and learn different cultures and get more exposure. Until August 2012 I was only able to be in one country other than my own and that was Sri Lanka. 

It was an invitation from my brother who was in Singapore when he was coming back to Maldives from Australia. I was so happy about the invitation and accepted it as I had balance in my annual leave so it wouldn’t be very difficult for me to go. 

It was the longest journey on a flight as it took about 4.5 hours to reach Singapore. The Airport and the arrangements in the Airport made such a good one, I knew that what people talk about Singapore is really true. It was a fantastic Airport. 

My brother and his friend (Rafie) were there to receive me. When we reached home it was almost 10:30 in the night. I saw a different picture there. I felt like it was Hulhumale’ All I can see is flats and cars parked outside those apartment buildings. I was like “Is this Singapore?” and they explained me that as Singapore is a small country they have housing plans like that. 

Thursday 17 May 2012

Maafushi and the good people

The Producer and the Technical Team
I have being living in Male since 2002. Even though it has been 12 years since I came to Male’ I have not got much chance to go to nearby inhabitant islands. I have only being to K.Guraidhoo and K.Thulusdhoo that is also for Friday prayers on Heyboana trips organized by the Student Association of Clique College, WITS. The truth is I never planned or didn’t want to go for some odd reasons

Preparation Work
Things changed when Clique College Interns team went to Semi-Final and their task was based on a nearby island, Maafushi. Our students got a huge task where they needed pre- preparations. They requested me to go with them to help them in their preparation work. My seniors allowed me to go requesting for a strict supervision

Maafushi Village
We went on 11th of April 2012 and as soon as we reached we started our work. Meeting the stakeholders was the most important part and we were able to go according to our plan. There were difficulties we faced as it was a new island to us. More over the island was hot and it was difficult to cope up in that environment
Boduberu Team
Our team’s had three plans to execute; one is the Maafushi Village, A website for Maafushi tourism business community and a training session for the people of Maafushi. The execution day was 14th of April 2012 and everything went well on that day. Unfortunately or fortunately I had to take a part of the training session which is not my main area. Even though I was not very comfortable in taking the customer care part I took it to help our students and not to fail them in their execution. I believe it was not me who did the lecturing as I was never that boring. Anyway I still hope some of them got some knowledge out of my presentation and will use it in their daily work life.